United ArtsCard

The United ArtsCard is a digital pass featuring more than 20 local arts, science and history organizations*.
Donate $100 or more to United Arts and get your digital ArtsCard!
*ArtsCard discounts are subject to availability and may change due to demand, event schedule, organization season or capacity.
Your United ArtsCard is ready to be redeemed! Click “Sign Up” in the box below and use the promo code you received (via email or mail) to gain exclusive access to the arts in Central Florida.
Getting your ArtsCard:
- Donate $100 or more to United Arts to receive your donor benefit
- United Arts staff will mail (or email) you an exclusive promo code and URL to sign up for your ArtsCard
- The email you use when signing up will grant you access to your digital discount card
Redeeming Offers:
- After you’ve signed up for your digital ArtsCard, login to your account
- Select the organization you’re interested in to view their offerings, restrictions and redemption instructions
- Click the “Confirm Redeem” button beneath the offer and follow redemption instructions (phone, online, or in-person redemptions available)
- For questions about an offer or redemption process, please contact the organization offering the discount directly and inform them that you are a 2024-25 digital ArtsCard holder
- Please note: All discounts are subject to change. Not all discounts can be honored at all times of year.
Donate $100 or more to United Arts to receive an exclusive United ArtsCard promo code.
If you have donated recently and haven’t received a promo code, please contact United Arts. Please allow up to 4 weeks from your donation date to receive your promo code.
Things to know
What is the United ArtsCard?
The United ArtsCard (or ArtsCard) is a donor benefit for those giving an annual donation of $100 or more. This digital pass gives donors a discount on ticket prices for events, programs and performances at participating organizations. Some organizations offer a 15% discount, while others offer buy-one-ticket-get-one-FREE deals or FREE admission opportunities. Click the “Discount List” box above to see a sample version of ArtsCard offerings.
Is the ArtsCard a membership card for United Arts, and does it get me FREE admission to events/classes?
The ArtsCard is not a membership card for United Arts. The ArtsCard does not guarantee FREE admission to any event, program or performance. All offers are determined by participating organizations and are subject to change.
When does the card expire?
The expiration date varies depending on date of gift. Not all discounts are available year-round.
How many times may I use the United ArtsCard?
Each organization that participates in the ArtsCard determines how many times their discounts can be redeemed. Most discounts can only be used once, but select organizations offer discounts on a monthly or quarterly basis.
Can the United ArtsCard be used to purchase tickets online?
Some organizations have this capability. Please check with the organization prior to making your purchase.
Who do I call/contact if I have questions about the United ArtsCard?
For questions regarding the eligibility of the ArtsCard at a specific event or class, please contact the organization directly.
All other questions can be directed to United Arts of Central Florida at 407.628.0333. To request information from a member of United Arts staff about your ArtsCard, please click the button below.
What if I still have a print ArtsCard?
The print version of our ArtsCard will be valid until May 2025. Note: Most discounts from the printed 2024 ArtsCard can longer be honored due to seasonal availability, please contact United Arts for more information. For information and instructions on transitioning from a print ArtsCard to the new digital version, please contact United Arts.
Help us transform the arts
Your donation helps support more than 125 arts and cultural nonprofit organizations in Central Florida. For more information about donating to United Arts or receiving a United ArtsCard, call 407.628.0333
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All the arts and culture in Central Florida, ready for you to discover. Find art events with the Arts & Culture Calendar.