
Explore our initiatives

arts education

Arts Education

ArtsEd gives students access to arts culture programs that expand their minds and strengthen curriculums. Educators can get funding and support.
community and neighborhood

Community & Neighborhoods

Programs that bring vibrancy to our local communities — from street performers and public art to increased foot traffic in commercial districts.
arts advocacy

Arts Advocacy

The ongoing effort to give our community a voice. Join us and lobby for increased state arts funding through The Department of State, Division of Cultural Affairs.

Cultural Tourism

Strategic efforts that bring Central Florida’s arts and culture into the global spotlight and boost our economy.
Arts and Culture Research


Insights, reports, and resources to help arts and culture organizations make their best case for increased funding and support.

Individual Artist Grant Projects


Shaping grants to better serve the people

Grants should be available to those who need them. That’s why United Arts invites actual members of the community to help set the criteria for how art grants are awarded. We listen to their needs so we can bring aid where it’s needed. To do this, we survey recipients, collaborate with donors, and bring more minority representation into board groups and grant committees.

You can help — sign up to volunteer on a Grants Panel!

volunteer to be a grand panelis
Garden Theatre
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