“From Here” heading to New York City

From Here, Donald Rupe’s critically-acclaimed original musical, heads to New York City this summer for a 6-week Off-Broadway engagement at the Alice Griffin Jewel Box Theatre at The Pershing Square Signature Center. The show completes its first local run at the Ren on May 5.     Set in 2016, From Here tells the story […]

Zora Neale Hurston & The Association to Preserve the Eatonville Community

Zora Neale Hurston

The ZORA! Festival is an annual celebration of the life and legacy of Zora Neale Hurston, a renowned African American author, folklorist, and anthropologist. Taking place in Eatonville, Florida, the festival celebrates the best of African American art, literature, music, and culture. It features performances from regional and national artists, educational seminars, and interactive workshops. […]

Orange County Library System Celebrates 100 Years of Service

Orange County Library System

In today’s digital age, where information is readily accessible online, libraries have had to adapt and evolve to remain relevant. The Orange County Library System (OCLS) has been a prime example of adaptability in its 100 years of service to our community. With 15 branches across the county, the OCLS not only lends books to […]

Child of this Culture

Child of this Culture

Cindy Foley and Candy Foelix aren’t naive to hip hop’s negative reputation. The sisters know the stereotypes better than anyone. They grew up in this culture; they spent their early years at all-night raves, breaking (better known as breakdancing) until their muscles ached, emceeing and DJing hip hop shows until the sun rose. But now […]