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Retired 2012.  38 years in the computer industry, primarily for large corporations (IBM, Ford Aerospace, Loral Aerospace, Lockheed Martin), responsible for developing and managing small to large teams for innovative, large-scale software-based systems, including manufacturing robotics, biomedical devices, automated environmental management systems, transmission protocols, national intelligence training devices, satellite video conferencing systems, NASA space station architecture and Hubble Space Telescope telemetry and infrastructure, and defense industry simulation and training cutting edge digitization projects. As Software Senior Manager and Deputy Director, also led development of talent/retention strategies and volunteered as an Ethics Officer.  During my last 5 years I was on the Corporate Engineering Team chartered to align all of the companies disparate/acquired engineering organizations (144,000 engineers at the time) into a “Lockheed Martin Engineering” organization.  I created a program and cross-company team of senior architects to identify system, software and hardware, create job company-wide job descriptions and an internal “LinkedIn” type of tool, create partnerships with highly regarded engineering universities to develop and offer architecture graduate certificates to increase/maintain our capacity, initiated quarterly symposiums to share experience, expertise, approaches, etc., across the communities, and create an appreciation and sense of belonging for those who choose this line of work.  This last effort was a satisfying blend of engineering, management, negotiation, team work, community building, humor, learning, compromise and committed teams.

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